Frequently Asked Questions


What is Marble’s area of operations?
Marble Financial is a Canadian FinTech company powered by forward-thinking experts providing solutions for everyday Canadians to help improve their financial health.

Where are the main business activities?
Marble Financial’s services and MyMarble platform are available throughout Canada.

When was Marble founded and incorporated?
Marble Financial was founded and incorporated in Vancouver, BC, Canada, in 2015.

Where is Marble located?
Marble Financial is headquartered in Vancouver, BC, Canada.


Where can I obtain information on Marble’s financial results?
Information about Marble Financial, including press releases and financial statements can be found through Sedar.

How can I purchase shares in Marble?
Marble Financial is a publicly traded company, and shares can be purchased through the Canadian Securities Exchange (CSE) under the ticker symbol MRBL.

On which exchanges is Marble listed, and what are the ticker symbols?
Marble Financial is listed on the CSE as MRBL, and OTC as MRBLF.

When was Marble’s initial public offering (IPO) and what was the issue price?
Marble’s IPO began in October, 2018, at an issue price of $0.30 per share.

Who is Marble’s transfer agent?
Marble Financial’s transer agent is Odyssey Trust Compa


What is (Company) fiscal year-end?
Marble Financial’s fiscal year ends December 31st.

Where can I find information on the latest financial results?
Up-to-date financial information can be found on our investor website, or through Sedar.

When are Marble’s next report quarterly financial results?
Marble Financial publishes its quarterly financial results for March 30th, June 30th, and September 30th.

Where can I find annual reports and other financial documents?
Annual reports can also be found on our investor website.

Who are the company’s auditors?
Marble Financial’s independent auditors are Hay & Watson.


How do I sign up to receive regular Investor Relations email updates?
You can receive regular updates by signing up for our investor list through our investor website.

Whom should I contact regarding investor inquiries?
Our investor relations director, Ethan, is always happy to answer investor inquiries. Contact him at [email protected].

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